Hezhou City Opens Agricultural Aid and Poverty Alleviation Shopping Mall

Hezhou City Opens Agricultural Aid and Poverty Alleviation Shopping Mall

"Thank you very much for the platform provided by the municipal government, through which we managed to sell our honey." On March 9, several beekeepers, including Yi Qingxin and Wang Shengkun, took a pennant to Hezhou Federation of Trade Unions in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is reported that in view of some unsalable agricultural products in the city caused by the epidemic, Hezhou Federation of Trade Unions and Hezhou Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office organized a campaign to help poor farmers sell agricultural products. In the activity, the trade union of CR Power (Hezhou) Company took the lead in the action, subscribing 3.5 tons of sugar orange from poor households in Lianshan Town and distributing them to the company's frontline workers. The trade union of Hezhou Municipal Urban Management Bureau contacted five farmers in Jianpan Village of Huangyao Town and bought 5.5 tons of sugar orange and 4 tons of water chestnut, which were distributed to the workers fighting the epidemic on the frontline. Hezhou Federation of Trade Unions called on trade union members to buy honey, oranges and sweet potatoes at their own expenses. According to reports, during the campaign, Hezhou Federation of Trade Unions used the urban employee service platform to open a shopping mall for helping poor farmers to put on shelves unsalable agricultural products. Through this platform, trade unions at all levels in the city can directly purchase agricultural products, and employees can also place orders on the platform to purchase agricultural products. According to statistics, only one week after its opening, 100 grass-roots trade unions in the city have subscribed for unsalable agricultural products through the platform. It is reported that this year, Hezhou Federation of Trade Unions will continue to push forward the implementation of the strategy of poverty alleviation through consumption, build a bridge of communication between poor households and employees, establish a sales platform, expand the sales channels of agricultural products, and help villagers generate income so as to make its due contributions to the city’s ultimate victory in poverty alleviation.

Link: http://media.workercn.cn/sites/media/grrb/2020_03/23/GR0204.htm